Need Commercial Umbrella Insurance in Tallahassee?

Coverage provided by your primary business general liability insurance, automobile liability insurance or employers’ liability insurance policies normally should protect you in most liability situations. On the other hand, if a catastrophic occurrence impacts your business, the coverage limits provided by your primary business insurance policy may not be adequate to cover the entire loss.

The advantages of a Commercial Umbrella:

An affordable second blanket to protect your business beyond your primary business insurance.

Provides higher limits of liability for automobile, general liability, and employers liability.

Can cover exposure gaps by coming into effect where your primary business insurance ends.

Commercial Umbrella insurance is not just for large companies - limits up to $25 million may be available for all small business types.

Even conspicuously minor accidents can leave your business vulnerable to a major lawsuit.

Business Woman with umbrella

Contemplate these potential liability risks...

A client is injured when falling down slippery steps, causing injuries that require extended long-term care.

An employee in a company vehicle rushes through a traffic light, resulting in an accident that causes severe injury and property damage.

During the course of a workday, one of your employees causes an accident that severely injures a vendor.

Have questions?
Contact Butler-Vause Insurance today!




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